Dean's Message

Home to more than 700 undergraduate and 200 graduate students, Faculty of Arts and Sciences offers students an exciting journey of experiential learning and discovery into the humanities and the social and behavioural sciences—the fundamental disciplines that underlie production of contemporary knowledge.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences hosts the following academic units:

  • Department of Communication Sciences
  • Department of English Language and Literature
  • Department of English Translation And Interpreting
  • Department of Psychology
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of Turkish Language and Literature

However, nearly all of the undergraduate students interact or engage with the Faculty of Arts and Sciences during their time at Doğuş because our faculty offers other academic programs the majority of the general mass courses, such as General Communication, General Psychology, Sociology, Cultural Theory, Modernity and Consumer Society, and all math and chemistry courses. Offering such a wide variety of courses across the university we are at the heart of the University’s educational mission. That is because the Faculty of Arts & Sciences, more than any other academic unit, crosses and connects disciplines and departments.

Double-major programs are pursued at the bachelor level in other fields within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and with other faculties.

We believe that an excellent education in the liberal arts and sciences is the best preparation for life and work in a world of increasing diversity, globalization, and rapid change because it prepares our graduates to be informed critical thinkers, creative problem-solvers, and confident communicators. As Faculty of Arts and Sciences we are contributing to advance knowledge, while also preparing the next generation of professionals, thinkers, and leaders.

Prof. Dr. Barış ÇOBAN


News & Events

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Academic Studies

Book Chapter from Dr. Simla Ayşe Doğangün

Article in international peer reviewed e-journal from Süreyya Elif Aksoy PhD Faculty Member

Research Assist. Harun Özalp’s Article Has Been Published in International Peer-reviewed Journal

Research. Assist. Dr. Ayşe Duygu Yavuz's Article Has Been Published in International Peer-reviewed Journal

A Declaration from Research Assist. Dr. Ayşe Duygu Yavuz

Assistant Professor Yasemin Çürük’s article is published in Ankara University Journal of Turkology

Süreyya Elif Aksoy PhD Faculty Member as the Guest Speaker in International Women’s Day

Book chapter in national book from Süreyya Elif Aksoy PhD Faculty Member

